Our concierge front of house security represents a fresh approach to how visitors are welcomed to your premises.

Most security companies would train security officers for their corporate front of house duties by way of customer service, however at Anchor, we have taken a different approach.

We studied the 5 Star luxury hotel sector, who have been training, developing and motivating professionals with a desire to provide a five star level of customer service. We then add comprehensive training, allowing them to perform a discreet combination of personalised client service, access control and building management. 

With training in Project Griffin (national counter terrorism awareness initiative), and First Aid, our goal is to provide a courteous and well-groomed image to your visitors and a clear deterrent to unauthorised entry.

Project Griffin – Industry Self-Delivery 

Project Griffin was devised by the City of London Police in 2004 to protect UK cities and communities from the threat of terrorism following a number of high profile terrorist attacks in London and abroad. Integrating and co-ordinating the resources of the Emergency Services, local authorities, businesses and the private security industry, the concept has been successfully replicated by a number of countries around the world. 

Training comprises a number of terrorism awareness modules – currently 13 in number – covering awareness of anything from firearms and weapon attacks to drones, insider threats and cyber-attacks. It’s delivered at dedicated training events lasting from one to six hours, dependent on the time available and the number of topics covered. 

Until recently, the modules were owned and managed by NaCTSO and delivered by specialist Counter-Terrorism Security Advisors across the country. But following an escalation in threat levels subsequent to further high profile terrorist attacks, NaCTSO launched ‘Industry Self-Delivery’, a scheme designed to extend Project Griffin’s reach in which accredited organisations would now be empowered to train their own employees. 

Anchor have recently been awarded a contract to self-deliver Project Griffin. We are now one of a select few private security contractors accredited to deliver this training course and currently have four accredited trainers amongst our management team. 

The award of this delivery contract acknowledges our existing corporate training delivery structure and security training delivery expertise. 

The main advantage of delivery of the training in this way is that we can make the training more accessible to small groups of individuals. Under the current scheme the Police will only carry out the training to groups of 15 or more and at their convenience. Through our accreditation, we are able to deliver the training to a group of any size from 1 person to 20. This approach enables us to ensure that it is accessible to all of our staff regardless of if they work days or nights. We are also able to run mini seminars which enables us to include centre management staff and tenants in the training workshops.

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